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Writer's pictureGabriel Bonner Jr.

What the eye sees...

Let's be honest. It seems that more now than ever, it can be challenging to guard ourselves. The word of YAH(God)tells us to, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, For out of it are the sources of life” (Proverbs 4‬:‭23‬, ‭TS2009)‬‬. Yet, when we look into this world, we see a world that displays all things YAH sees as evil and rejoices in it. Therefore is it possible to guard ourselves?

Before I jump straight in, I want to use an example of work what I am speaking about. On our TVs, we see shows and movies full of lust, envy, malice, and pride, to name a few. We think these things don't have an affect on us. Yet, they play out in our everyday actions. Better yet, we invite, therefore allowing for these principalities to be played out inside of us.

When we choose to turn on the TVs and watch what we know is unrighteous, we open the door for principalities to operate inside of us. So how then have we guarded our hearts? In the book of Matthews, the Messiah, Yahusha, said, “And if your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is better for you that one of your members perish, than for your entire body to be thrown into GĕHinnom” (Matthew 5‬:‭29‬ ‭TS2009). So what is he saying? The same thing proverbs just told us. GUARD YOURSELF!!! In simpler terms, be careful of what you allow yourself to see, do, or consume, for it can cause you to stumble. If it is not profitable take it out of your life, least you perish with it.

We can apply this to every aspect of our life. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and even financially. Think on it. What happens when you think good thoughts, and what happens when you think bad thoughts. What happens when you choose to eat right and work out, what happens when you don't? What happens you choose to take heed to the word, and what happens when you don't? What happens when you choose to control your emotions, and when you don't? Lastly, what happens when you have good spending habits, and when you don't? Regardless of whatever way you choose to guard, each one has a consequence. Whether good or bad.

As it has been written, “See, I have set before you today life and good, and death and evil,” in that I am commanding you today to love YAHUAH(god) your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to guard His commands, and His laws, and His right-rulings. And you shall live and increase, and YAHUAH your Elohim shall bless you in the land which you go to possess" (Deuteronomy ‭30‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭, TS2009‬).

I lastly want to explain the heart. In Hebrew the word for heart is leb (לב), by definition meaning Zimmerman, mind, heart. In Hebrew each letter has a meaning to it. The lamed ל meaning to teach, instruct, guide, or learn, and the bet ב means in-house. When these two letters are put together it means "to teach and instruct what is in the house(heart and mind), or to learn what is in the house, and or what is learned in the house(heart and mind) guides." Whatever you put in front of you is stored up within your heart and is the very thing that guides your actions.

Hence the Messiah saying, ““But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and these defile the man.” (Matthew 15‬:‭18‬, ‭TS2009‬‬)

I believe that if we are intentional we have the ability Gaurd ourselves better. So that may mean deleting someone from your social media. You may have to unsubscribe from things such as Netflix, Hulu, etc. I am not saying that these things within itself are bad, but as Messiah said, get rid of it, if it causes you to stumble.

So I ask you, I ask me? What in your life do you need to Gaurd yourselves from?

Think on it, Shalom

-The Watchman


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